Quick Twitter Example file


Download here

This is a quick example file for people who’ve been asking me for a Twitter example. Please be aware that I’m currently working on a Version 2 of the example files which when released, you will probably want to base your own files off of as opposed to this. The new example files will be a good bit different. The code is not commented, and I’m not going to be providing support for this.

To use, you need to have the OpenSSL libs for windows installed on your system.

Then just add a tweet widget to your layout xml file. If you’re using a tabbed layout, you could just add the following to it:

<tab name ="Tweet">
 <tweet id="twitter" x="10" y="10" width="380" height="60" picPath="twitter" />

Then, you need to click “Fetch Tweet” and wait for StreamControl to retrieve an Auth Token. In future versions of the program this will be done automatically. Then paste a tweet link into the text box and click “Fetch Tweet” again. Once it says “Ok” you now need to hit save. The tweet should then appear in the SWF file.

Edit: If you experience crashes adding the file to XSplit, rename or remove the tweet.xml file.

Some new StreamControl scoreboards.

So I’ve teased the flag loading overlays for a while but took quite a while getting round to it. Well in any case they’ve been uploaded and are ready. I’ve also uploaded a generic Naruto themed scoreboard for Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3. (It’d probably work for other Naruto games but I dunno.) It’s pretty nice if I do say so myself. Some videos of them in action below and you can download them (along with source code) at the StreamControl page.

In other news I have some pretty big plans for some StreamControl changes. The current version is extremely basic and I’m pretty excited to start work on them.